Advancing Capacity and analytical Tools for supporting Common Agricultural Policies post 2027

Support for evidence-based EU agri-food policies post-2027

In the evolving landscape of the European Green Deal, existing quantitative modelling tools face a monumental challenge in comprehensively addressing all components of the policy. 

The ACT4CAP27 project adopts a comprehensive food system approach, focusing on building analytical capacity for the quantitative assessment of the impacts of upcoming agri-food policies on the economic, social (including health), environmental, and climate sustainability of food systems.


March 2024 –Febr 2029

13 partners

10 European countries


5.4 M €


Stichting Wageningen Research



1. DESIGNING & operationalize a conceptual data and modelling framework

2. Better understand the determinants and indicators for an improved EU food system performance and ASSESSING policy impact.

3. Developing an enhanced modular MODELLING Toolbox to quantify the transition to a sustainable EU food system and its contribution to societal goals.

4. SAFEGUARDING the uptake and update of the integrated and modular toolbox and community building.

5.PLATFORM for stakeholder interaction and dialogues – at different stages of the project

Our partners